To him that overcometh will I give … a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving him that receiveth it—Rev. 2:17. 

The overcomers must all be proven to be such as would sacrifice every other thing for the Lord; such as would sacrifice the love and fellowship and approval, if necessary, of every other being, in order to retain the love and favor of the Lord. We believe that this test is coming daily closer and closer to the Lord's consecrated people, and it behooves every one of us to remember that this is one of the elements of our trial, and to set our affections on the spiritual things accordingly, and to mortify or deaden all such affections toward earthly beings and things as would bring these into competition with our Lord in our affections, service, etc.—Z '99, 140 (R 2479). 

The overcomer is one who conquers sin, error, selfishness and worldliness. These are arrayed against him by Satan, the world and the flesh. Such indeed will be made living stones in the temple of God, and will receive the Divine nature, a nature so grand that none but its recipients can fully understand or appreciate it—P '34, 95. 

Parallel passages: Psa. 73:24; Hos. 12:6; Matt. 24:13; John 8:31; 10:28; Acts 11:23; Rom. 2:6, 7; 8:30-39; 1 Cor. 16:13; Gal. 6:9; Col. 1:10, 22, 23; Heb. 2:1; 3:6, 14; 10:23, 35, 36; 12:1-15; Jas. 1:4, 12; 1 Pet. 1:4-8; 2 Pet. 1:10, 11; Rev. 2:7, 10, 11, 25-28; 3:5, 11. 

Hymns: 272, 21, 27, 32, 58, 72, 78. 

Poems of Dawn, 298: How Will You Die? 

Tower Reading: Z '12, 315 (R 5113). 

Questions: Have I been overcoming this week? How? In what respects? With what results? 


WILL you tackle that trouble that came your way 

With a stalwart heart and cheerful? 

Or hide your face from the light of day 

With a craven heart and fearful? 

O, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce, 

Or a trouble is what you make it, 

And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, 

But only, How will you take it? 

You're beaten to earth? Well, what of that? 

Come up with a smiling face; 

It's nothing against you that you fell down flat, 

But to lie there—that's disgrace.

The harder you're thrown, the higher you bounce, 

Your Physician will make you whole. 

You fell seven times? That's not what counts— 

Press on to your promised goal! 

The battle is hard, severe the cross? 

And others cry, "Turn back"? 

Ah, soldier true, count all else loss, 

And nothing you will lack. 

And as your courage higher mounts 

Your foes from you will fly; 

You'll die, of course—that's not what counts, 

But only, How will you die? 


"To him that overcometh will I give … a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it."—Rev. 2:17

IN ANCIENT TIMES the Greeks and the Romans had a custom of noting and perpetuating friendship by means of a white stone. This stone was divided into halves, and each person inscribed his name on the flat surface, after which the parts of the stone were exchanged. The production of either half was sufficient to insure friendly aid, even from the descendants of those who first divided the stone. A similar custom was sometimes observed by a king, who would break a white stone into two parts, one of which he would retain and the other part give to a special ambassador. That part could be sent to the king at any time and would insure aid. Thus the divided stone became a mark of identification. 

Rev. 2:17 seems to refer to this ancient custom. The white stone signifies a precious token of the Lord's love, and the new name written in the stone suggests the Bridegroom's name. The statement indicates a special acquaintance with the great King of kings, secret between Himself and the individual. The overcomers are not to be recognized merely as a class—the Bride class—but each will have the personal favor of the Lord. Of this no one will know save himself and the King. There is an individual and personal relationship between the Lord and the overcomers, who may be said to receive the mark of identification—the antitypical white stone—now, in this life. 

This mark is the sealing of the Holy Spirit by which the Lord identifies the overcomers. While this is said to be a part of the final reward of the Church, yet from the very beginning of our experience we have this personal acquaintance with the Lord. The full seal of the Holy Spirit will be given in the Resurrection, when we receive the new body. Then we shall have the complete knowledge of the name by which we shall be known to the Lord and He to us forever. 


I came and saw, and hoped to conquer, 

As the great Roman once had done; 

His was the one hour's torrent shock of battle, 

My field was harder to be won. 

I came and saw, but did not conquer, 

The foes were fierce, their weapons strong; 

I came and saw, but yet I did not conquer, 

For me the fight was sore and long. 

They said the war was brief and easy, 

A word, a look, would crush the throng; 

To some it may have been a moment's conflict, 

To me it has been sore and long. 

They said the threats were coward bluster, 

To brave men they could work no wrong; 

So some may boast of swift and easy battle, 

To me it has been sore and long. 

And yet I know that I shall conquer, 

Though sore and hard the fight may be; 

I know, I know I shall be more than victor 

Through Him who won the fight for me. 

I fight, not fearful of the issue, 

My victory is sure and near; 

Yet not the less with hand and eye all watchful, 

Grasp I my buckler and my spear. 

For I must fight, if I would conquer, 

'Tis not by flight that fields are won; 

And I must conquer, if I would inherit 

The victor's joy and crown and throne.